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Er: 🛑 WOMAN OF VALUE When a man comes into your life, how he treats you depends on how much you value yourself in front of him. If you behave like a queen, he will treat you like a queen. If you show him that you are a special woman, he will treat you like a special woman. If you show him that you are an ambitious woman, he will treat you like an ambitious woman. But if you show him that you're nothing, that's when he'll start making fun of you and treating you like a nobody. If you want a man to respect you, he must first respect yourself and value yourself. Always value yourself in his eyes so that he respects you. You must keep your value and your dignity as a woman. When a man comes into your life, it's not up to you to ask yourself if you deserve it. But it's up to him the man to ask himself if he really deserves you. So always stay with a man who fights to keep you and recognizes that you are a blessing in his life.

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