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Er: Well I would like to tell you something. Why in english? Why not? Well if you can read this, you maybe the girl I'm looking for. I'm a man, 27, have a well payed job, my own flat and I've done it all referring to the education. Now it would be nice to find a partner, who is on the same wavelength like me. I like to play billard, read books and magazines, go drinking cocktails and so an like everybody else. In a relationship I care about my partner while giving her room for herself. I even hold the door! Common, that's not cheesy, you have to be a little bit gentleman. Only if it comes down to eating a half chicken I barely use cutlery. Unfortunately, when I write, that I'm from Ukraine, Kiev, it's obviously, that one gets judged like by your honor in the court! What idea do you have, when you read, that someone comes from there. Does immediately come the picture of Borat to your mind? (besides this clown comes from somewhere completely different) or do you imagine a refugee from the crisis now? Well that's certainly not me. I'm a normal, loyal, down-to-earth guy and don't look like mick foley. Of course like anyone else I too have standards. Some may sound arrogant, but I have my reasons partly from past experiences: You have to be from Augsburg, not less then 22, no kids, curves allowed but not overweight, no gothic style whatsoever and an appropriate clothing style (no torn jeans e.g.)

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